5 Weeks
"God made only one you. You are unique. You are unlike anyone else who has ever lived or ever will live. He made you because He wants someone exactly like you. He has plans for you. You may be feeling pretty worthless right now, beaten down. Life has probably thrown more at you than you can handle. Take heart! "You are precious in my eyes, "God says, "and I love you" (Isaiah 43:4)"
-Darlene Sala, Prov 31 ministries.
-Darlene Sala, Prov 31 ministries.
Another week and it flies by fast. Days I still don't leave the house or sleep most still seem to go by in a flash. My brain works late into the night but my physical body is worn and at daytime my brain in off and my body had more energy. I'm sorta messed up, still probably from the very beginning with the back to back surgeries and then going right into treatment, I'm not sure when I'm most productive anymore. I used to be ready to conquer the world at 6 am, my how things change fast.
Tonight is 5 weeks in a row for injections. Man, we thought a few months ago I would never get to this point. So I'm thankful we have, I think. This week overall was harder than the last few. I have had more of the normal sylatron symptoms this week. More exhaustion, more of the flu like symptoms, and other things that have just added to making it a harder week emotionally and physically. I'm a little anxious and hoping this isn't a trend, but I have to trust God has today and that's all I need. Tonight My best, Tara, is away with her husband and she skyped in to pray for me. We are getting really routine in my shots now and have it all in a very orchestrated way.
This morning was my first appointment with the lymphodema specialist at the cancer rehab. I woke up early to my oldest, Rose concerned that Kev was gone to work already because she knew I had a doctors appointment and she was very serious that I could not go alone. Once I looked at my phone there was a text that Heather sent telling me she was coming with me. God always provides. I thought I would be ok just running to another appointment but I'm so thankful she was with me. I think I've said it before, there are no more just quick normal appointments anymore. I need to learn that. Today was overwhelming, but so good. The physical therapist was so thankful I was there to start before I have major issues. I will go one or 2 times a week for the next month or two. Starting right away. They will do lots of manual lymphatic draining techniques and have machines to help with that too. I will start somewhat of a little schedule to get more active and see how my body responds to that. I will also start wearing compression stockings daily at this point. My first thought went right to summer and how will I do that, then I just stopped her before she could even answer and said ok we will deal with that when it comes. Here we are today. Thank You God for today.
Kev Surprised me and changed my scans to Friday the 13th. We are going to go to UPENN Friday and then stay in Philly for a couple days together. We anticipate the few days of waiting for results to be higher anxiety and this will help our days go by. It is a much needed time for Kev and I to just be together and process so much, we need this time. I don't know if I will write before, but there will be an update on the 17th with the results and we are praying for NED (No Evidence of Disease) every scan for so many years ahead.
Pray me through friends. Thanks for walking with me, for encouraging me, for those of you who are just here present, and for all those of you who can't be but are holding me up in prayer. I would not have the strength without any of you. I hope that everyone of you can try to find a way to see God's sovereign blessing in your week ahead. Im praying that for every reader right now. Find him, he's right there, sometimes we just need to see him, trust him a little more, and give up much less of ourselves.
Tonight is 5 weeks in a row for injections. Man, we thought a few months ago I would never get to this point. So I'm thankful we have, I think. This week overall was harder than the last few. I have had more of the normal sylatron symptoms this week. More exhaustion, more of the flu like symptoms, and other things that have just added to making it a harder week emotionally and physically. I'm a little anxious and hoping this isn't a trend, but I have to trust God has today and that's all I need. Tonight My best, Tara, is away with her husband and she skyped in to pray for me. We are getting really routine in my shots now and have it all in a very orchestrated way.

Kev Surprised me and changed my scans to Friday the 13th. We are going to go to UPENN Friday and then stay in Philly for a couple days together. We anticipate the few days of waiting for results to be higher anxiety and this will help our days go by. It is a much needed time for Kev and I to just be together and process so much, we need this time. I don't know if I will write before, but there will be an update on the 17th with the results and we are praying for NED (No Evidence of Disease) every scan for so many years ahead.
Pray me through friends. Thanks for walking with me, for encouraging me, for those of you who are just here present, and for all those of you who can't be but are holding me up in prayer. I would not have the strength without any of you. I hope that everyone of you can try to find a way to see God's sovereign blessing in your week ahead. Im praying that for every reader right now. Find him, he's right there, sometimes we just need to see him, trust him a little more, and give up much less of ourselves.
Thanks for writing and sharing. You are such an INSPIRATION to all that read this. Praying for you and your family. Janet Richards (Dana's Mom)