Melanoma Monday 2016
So here we are, the month of May. All survivors have it, that month dedicated to awareness about their cancer. How to prevent it, the signs and symptoms of it, and accurate information and education about it. I feel like although I blog and tell stories of my life, I rarely get down to the statistics and the informational part of melanoma.
Informing of the scary truth and reality of this cancer.
Speaking truth about it's disadvantage in it's stealth ablitiy to attack at any time and the condition it can leave you in, and how we can best be ahead of the game.
I also want to encourage and educate the ones coming up behind me, to take care of their bodes in a way that God commanded us to. And let our life stories be free of regret of what we could have known more about earlier.
Once you join a club, whether you had no choice in being a part or not, it becomes a place where you can belong. Some days I'm still in disbelief that I am in this club. I have met some of the strongest and most beautiful people along my cancer journey through listening and hearing of my peoples battles with the beast, melanoma. We just lost another one of us yesterday. A young, vibrant, fighter, who met Jesus and has to battle no more. One I spoke to this afternoon who entered into hospice a few weeks ago trying at their every angle to do something with still no promising changes.
What may be "just skin cancer" to some, is much more than that to others of us. That "skin cancer" tried to kill me, and has the likely hood of trying again or may be at any moment and I may not even know it. A little knowledge and education, can save your life or someone you love.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, and it is estimated that one person dies from melanoma every hour.
Your best chance of cure for Melanoma is to catch it early.
I am ashamed to say that when the doctor said the word mean to me, I was so ignorant I had to ask her if that was bad. Be educated. Do your breat self exam and then your skin check. Every month. The chance you see something you don't like, is much higher than any dermatologist finding something they don't like.
My Fav Melanoma video:
Go to the Dermatologist. Call today and get an appointment if you have never been. Take your kids. I will always tell people, another inconvenient doctors appointment is way more convenient than a year of cancer treatment.
Videos to watch:
Melanoma Monday
How melanoma develops
Informing of the scary truth and reality of this cancer.
Speaking truth about it's disadvantage in it's stealth ablitiy to attack at any time and the condition it can leave you in, and how we can best be ahead of the game.
I also want to encourage and educate the ones coming up behind me, to take care of their bodes in a way that God commanded us to. And let our life stories be free of regret of what we could have known more about earlier.
Once you join a club, whether you had no choice in being a part or not, it becomes a place where you can belong. Some days I'm still in disbelief that I am in this club. I have met some of the strongest and most beautiful people along my cancer journey through listening and hearing of my peoples battles with the beast, melanoma. We just lost another one of us yesterday. A young, vibrant, fighter, who met Jesus and has to battle no more. One I spoke to this afternoon who entered into hospice a few weeks ago trying at their every angle to do something with still no promising changes.
What may be "just skin cancer" to some, is much more than that to others of us. That "skin cancer" tried to kill me, and has the likely hood of trying again or may be at any moment and I may not even know it. A little knowledge and education, can save your life or someone you love.

Your best chance of cure for Melanoma is to catch it early.
I am ashamed to say that when the doctor said the word mean to me, I was so ignorant I had to ask her if that was bad. Be educated. Do your breat self exam and then your skin check. Every month. The chance you see something you don't like, is much higher than any dermatologist finding something they don't like.
*Melanoma accounts for just one per cent of all skin cancers, but is by far the most deadly form of the disease.
The American Cancer Society estimate the disease will be diagnosed in 76,380 people this year, while around 10,130 people will die from melanoma in 2016.
"The study was published in the journal JAMA Dermatology."
My Fav Melanoma video:
None of us know how we will be used, or what adventure God will call us on. We won't know what it will require of us, or what kind of stress it may put on our self if we have not taken care of what has been untrusted to us. We are always at the begining of a new adventure, so when the whistle at the starting line blows do you want to be running? We know the hope of the end story, but what can we do in the NOW story. Take care, be aware, love yourself, and every little part of you that God gave you when He created you.
Keeping your body in shape is a spiritual discipline. It’s not just about losing a few pounds, wanting to live longer, or trying to look nicer. God created your body, Jesus died for it, the Holy Spirit lives in it, your body is connected to Christ, and it’s going to be resurrected one day. When it is, God’s going to hold you accountable for how you managed what he gave you.- Rick Warren
"I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship." Romans 12:1
Go to the Dermatologist. Call today and get an appointment if you have never been. Take your kids. I will always tell people, another inconvenient doctors appointment is way more convenient than a year of cancer treatment.
Videos to watch:
Melanoma Monday
How melanoma develops
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