Today I'm thankful for ALL things
This life. It's all part of HIS story.
It's been a little since I shared whats new with the Dennstaedt's. There isn't much. Actually for the last couple months when someone has asked me how I am doing my response has been, "I'm thankful in this season." It seems the days have been less crazy, and more "normal". Some days I feel like we are moving on like nothing happened in this place, and some days I'm reminded of where we've been and what it's brought into our life. This reality brings thankfulness in a whole new way everyday. "His mercies are new every morning" and we still do just one day at a time. "Tomorrow can worry about itself" because we have today. Cancer changed my soul in many ways. It also changed my husband and my kids. The effects linger often on the impact of my physical body. I have noticed more pain in the last few weeks. I think the cold (that I love) is triggering this. Some days my own strength gets the best of me and I feel my weakness. It's no accident that my church has been walking through 2 Corinthians in this season, my most favorite truth is here. I'm daily reminded of the STRENGTH (and thankfulness) in WEAKNESS. The only way I get through those moments is in his word and promises. "HIS LOVE is better than life and my lips will praise him." We, like you, also have the everyday struggles of job pains, mom of four people pains, all the real life, "how do we do this" pains. He is comforting and guiding us in all those moments too.
This last week I went to get my monthly labs. I had rocked a field trip with a bunch of Kindergartners and then was going to run to the hospital to get the labs before grabbing the girls from school. Grant and I were just doing our thing until a few things started going.. NOT MY WAY. That never happens to anyone else does it? Goodness, I'm reminded way too often that this life is SO not about going about our way. The nurse blew a vein, which isn't too bad of a thing, but hurts like heck. I actually handled it fine for a couple minutes but then.... I felt myself going out while the nurses tried to stop it. I passed out for a minute or so, which is scary and makes you feel terrible. The hospital had to call rapid response and take me to the ER for day. It took me quite awhile to recover. I got sick and was totally out of it. My history in the emergency room brings lots of tests and long waits. I, contrary to what they may think, feel like I am a rather healthy young individual. I had plans to go away for the weekend with my girlfriends and those plans were changed. I was mad and disappointed but I felt a peace that I trusted it was ok, for some reason I was supposed to be in a hospital bed and not there. Kinda strange but it really was ok, I'm much less frazzled by cancelled plans and changing circumstances. I was rocking my day until this little hiccup and it was all just another reminder to me of how weak I am and how I don't know what the next moment holds. This event ended a week I was already struggling to get through in my weakness and pain. When I am reminded of my weakness and have these moments I have to fight... Weakness can bring fear into my life, then bring reality of what I've been through and what I'm terrified of ever happening again. It brought in the PTSD, emotions, tears, but also awe of how God brought us through such nightmare, and made us ultimately thankful as a result. Knowing this gives us peace that he is in the next thing even when we don't know it. I find myself sitting sometimes saying "WHY" am I doing this right now BUT- goodness but my next though is... this isn't about WHY its about WHO.
"What we are really in search of is not an explanation but a sense of meaning. We want to know the there is some meaning and purpose in our losses-that they are not random or worthless. We want to see the ways God is using our loss for good. Sometimes God, in his goodness, draws back the curtain and shows us; we can see how he is using our loss in our lives or in the lives of those around us. And other times we have to wait. Certainly we can never expect to see the complete purpose of God in this life. That is where FAITH is required-faith God is working out all things for the good of those who love him, faith that the day will come when what we can see now will become clear, faith that he will give us the grace we need to put his glory on display for the world to see." - Hearing Jesus Speak into your Sorrow Nancy Guthrie

If you know me, I'm going to tell you God just "happens" to show up and carry us. Even in the little things, especially in the little things. After I woke back up and was puking in a bucket not able to hold my head up, the nurses called my husband. Grant was hiding under my chair they said and doing fine playing on my phone.. taking pictures. (see right) At this point it was time to get our others from school so Kev called to tell them to call our emergency contact and pick them up. You guys guess where our emergency contact was.... Perhaps God had already orchestrated the fact she would be SUBBING AT THE SCHOOL with our kiddos. So again you can't make this up. He already had the little things taken care of. I see it. At the time I don't know why I'm in the ER hooked up to IV's and getting tests but I do know that he's in all of the happenings of this day too, and he will be there tomorrow. I hope I wasn't there to be kind and nice to any medical professional, lets just say it stated off better than it ended. I was not as peppy as I was leaving as I was going in. Being sick is the pits, I am not a compliant and nice sick person. It also just seems that I just don't get along with any medical situation, so ironic this life that I am living.
"God stands ready to take over for us. It is in believing that God is enough that we can turn in faith to Him and give Him permission to choose His path for us-the path which is always the most suitable, the most honorable, the most advantageous, the most blessed, the BEST." - Cynthia Heald
I wake up every morning and I'm thankful I'm here. I am thankful I am free from Cancer today. I'm thankful that GOD is bigger. I'm thankful I'm changed. I'm thankful for a ministry and a heart to serve and encourage the ones around me in pain. I know way too many of you that are going to trek through some impossible days ahead my encouragement to you is to know you are in this place for a purpose. That true Joy and thankfulness are most fulfilled when we find it through the hard reality of this present life. If you can thank GOD even in the worst days, your heart will start to change. What you are facing and walking through has purpose and meaning. Trust HIM. "HE is the potter, WE are HIS clay"
I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;
It's been a little since I shared whats new with the Dennstaedt's. There isn't much. Actually for the last couple months when someone has asked me how I am doing my response has been, "I'm thankful in this season." It seems the days have been less crazy, and more "normal". Some days I feel like we are moving on like nothing happened in this place, and some days I'm reminded of where we've been and what it's brought into our life. This reality brings thankfulness in a whole new way everyday. "His mercies are new every morning" and we still do just one day at a time. "Tomorrow can worry about itself" because we have today. Cancer changed my soul in many ways. It also changed my husband and my kids. The effects linger often on the impact of my physical body. I have noticed more pain in the last few weeks. I think the cold (that I love) is triggering this. Some days my own strength gets the best of me and I feel my weakness. It's no accident that my church has been walking through 2 Corinthians in this season, my most favorite truth is here. I'm daily reminded of the STRENGTH (and thankfulness) in WEAKNESS. The only way I get through those moments is in his word and promises. "HIS LOVE is better than life and my lips will praise him." We, like you, also have the everyday struggles of job pains, mom of four people pains, all the real life, "how do we do this" pains. He is comforting and guiding us in all those moments too.
"What we are really in search of is not an explanation but a sense of meaning. We want to know the there is some meaning and purpose in our losses-that they are not random or worthless. We want to see the ways God is using our loss for good. Sometimes God, in his goodness, draws back the curtain and shows us; we can see how he is using our loss in our lives or in the lives of those around us. And other times we have to wait. Certainly we can never expect to see the complete purpose of God in this life. That is where FAITH is required-faith God is working out all things for the good of those who love him, faith that the day will come when what we can see now will become clear, faith that he will give us the grace we need to put his glory on display for the world to see." - Hearing Jesus Speak into your Sorrow Nancy Guthrie

If you know me, I'm going to tell you God just "happens" to show up and carry us. Even in the little things, especially in the little things. After I woke back up and was puking in a bucket not able to hold my head up, the nurses called my husband. Grant was hiding under my chair they said and doing fine playing on my phone.. taking pictures. (see right) At this point it was time to get our others from school so Kev called to tell them to call our emergency contact and pick them up. You guys guess where our emergency contact was.... Perhaps God had already orchestrated the fact she would be SUBBING AT THE SCHOOL with our kiddos. So again you can't make this up. He already had the little things taken care of. I see it. At the time I don't know why I'm in the ER hooked up to IV's and getting tests but I do know that he's in all of the happenings of this day too, and he will be there tomorrow. I hope I wasn't there to be kind and nice to any medical professional, lets just say it stated off better than it ended. I was not as peppy as I was leaving as I was going in. Being sick is the pits, I am not a compliant and nice sick person. It also just seems that I just don't get along with any medical situation, so ironic this life that I am living.
"God stands ready to take over for us. It is in believing that God is enough that we can turn in faith to Him and give Him permission to choose His path for us-the path which is always the most suitable, the most honorable, the most advantageous, the most blessed, the BEST." - Cynthia Heald
I wake up every morning and I'm thankful I'm here. I am thankful I am free from Cancer today. I'm thankful that GOD is bigger. I'm thankful I'm changed. I'm thankful for a ministry and a heart to serve and encourage the ones around me in pain. I know way too many of you that are going to trek through some impossible days ahead my encouragement to you is to know you are in this place for a purpose. That true Joy and thankfulness are most fulfilled when we find it through the hard reality of this present life. If you can thank GOD even in the worst days, your heart will start to change. What you are facing and walking through has purpose and meaning. Trust HIM. "HE is the potter, WE are HIS clay"
Psalm 9:1
I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. (NIV)
I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart,
I’m writing the book on your wonders.
I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy;
I’m singing your song, High God. (msg)
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