BOY mom
I'm all nostalgic waking up on this morning.
I'm thanking God for you in so many ways. Your little life tells a story to me of answered prayers, HOPE, and redemption.
I'm wondering, goodness how did we even make it these last four years.
Our little buddy is four.
How can it be?
We made it 4 years!
Four impossible long years.
You cried for two of them, I cried the next two.
You cried for two of them, I cried the next two.
But we are here.
I feel like today you aren't a baby anymore but will always be mine.
I feel like today you aren't a baby anymore but will always be mine.
These past four years since our miracle little boy joined our family have been quite an adventure.
"You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever." Psalm 16:11
Little Granty you arrived and were the toughest of all my births. You were a ginormous 9 pounder a week early. You cried and didn't sleep for the first 16 months of your life. We ran every test in the book to find out what was wrong with you. Seems you were just making yourself known and remembered. You climbed the stairs before you slept through the night. You ran before your first word. Every time I looked at you I laughed and wondered how I was going to survive the "boy mom" life. I haven't been able to keep up with you since you arrived and probably never will. But you and our life events actually calmed me down, you have been the best medicine. You taught me no matter how much I try to be perfect you will still be who you are. I have learned to love and let go more than I knew a mommy could. When you were about 18 month old I got sick... and that really made me wonder how I would ever care for you enough. My biggest fear was that you wouldn't want to have anything do do with me because I couldn't keep up with you. Instead your love for your daddy grew and grew and today is extra special because of that time in our lives. A good chunk of your little life was different than most but it was your normal and you are my little champion. You won't remember it but we always will. We got extra cuddles and time together like most don't. You kept us on our toes in good and fun ways. You are the boy we always dreamed of and such a gift to our family. You complete us in the best way. You bring joy and a picture of God's deep love for us. You are the answer to the desires of our heart. Being a boy mom is so fun, always busy, and even though you still exhaust me, you are SO loved.

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