A time for everything
A week at the beach with my bro, his wife and my little nephews.
A surprise visit from my best in the whole world, that moved in one of the hardest seasons in our life.
Having our Radiant Hope night and seeing God's goodness unfold right in front of me.
Waking up and saying goodbye to our closest again and feeling the hard and hurt of changing seasons and the days of up and down.
Another week of mourning and dancing. Tears of overflowing Joy and tears of heartbreak and longing for more. The Hope of heaven is ahead and perfect days are coming.
"God created us as complex creatures, capable of feeling and sensing a whole garden of emotions. Made in the image of our Creator, we can both grieve the wrongs of this world, and celebrate the sweetness of this life." She Reads Truth
"A time to weep, and a time to laugh.A time to mourn, and a time to dance."
Ecclesiastes 3
Jesus, thank you for days of dancing.
Yesterday when I woke in the morning a song was playing out loud in my head. This happens often. The words ringing in my head over and over:
"I'm casting my cares aside
I'm leaving my past behind
I'm setting my heart and mind on You Jesus
I'm reaching my hand to Yours
Believing there's so much more
Knowing that all You have in store for me is good
Today is the day You have made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
Today is the day You have made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
And I won't worry about tomorrow
I'm trusting in what You say
Today is the day"
Lincoln Brewster
It was the most perfect day. I am watching a calling God placed in my life unfold before me and I am awestruck. Humbled that He would love me this much to allow me to be here and love on others as much as HE has loved me. I felt like yesterday He was clear in telling me this... "Do not question me, do you not see what I am doing. "A new thing." Trust me and all my Goodness. "I am working for YOUR good". I love you this much, in EVERY season. I have loved you, "with and everlasting love" and I always will." So as I witness the unfolding of a day long prepared for and watched God show up and shower us with blessing upon blessing I am again reminded:
a little faith is what I need,
and trust will stretch a long way,
and He has a perfect plan ALWAYS.
Not a day is to be wasted, not a moment forgotten about. Friends He is doing this for you too, even if you are in a season that is dark and you cannot see out of. I was there, I am here now. He was there and He is here now.
"I fall down upon the ground
Press my face against the earth
Till my heart it rises over my head
As the wheat it bows down low
When the autumn wind blows
I kneel before the One I love
Find me grateful
Find me thankful
Find me on my knees
Find me dreaming
Find me singing
Find me lost in Your grace
Like the dust that You first held
In a garden where You knelt
Pull me up against Your face again
Till the breath of Your hope
Fill the depths of my soul
Till all I know is I've been
Found by love"
Jonathan and Melissa Helser
We just waved away our bests, we cried tears of Joy and sadness. I will forever trust God's love for me and his sovereign plan is bigger and better than what my eyes can see.
I think I need a whole day to process everything that I have been able to be a part of in this last 24 hour time stretch. But in the meantime I had to get these words out to some of you. Thank you. It was your prayers and your faithfulness that have carried us. It is your support and constant trust too, because that witness has pushed us into unknowns. Some of you I met at our event last night for the very first time and there is much hard for you in our celebration. That is all part of Radiant Hope too.
Sweet Jesus, Heavenly Father, I am in awe and wonder of your wonderful works and ways.
"I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart;
I bow down toward your holy temple
and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness,
for you have exalted above all things
On the day I called, you answered me;
my strength of soul you increased.
Though I walk in the midst of trouble,
you preserve my life;
you stretch out your hand and your right hand delivers me.
The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me;
your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever."
Psalm 138
"Life and death are not respecters of each other. Mourning and dancing—they don’t always take turns. Not in my story, not in yours, not in our world. While people celebrate weddings and first steps and the sweetness of life, the broken world continues to break our hearts, sometimes at the very same time. The tension is there—wondering when to celebrate and when to cry. Often the best thing we can do is acknowledge that tension and do both, seeking the Lord as we navigate the complexities of this world.
We must never stop mourning brokenness. It is right to mourn.And we must never cease to celebrate life and beauty. It is right to dance.
Because of Christ, life comes from death.Because of Christ, we will dance again."- Raechel Myers
We must never stop mourning brokenness. It is right to mourn.And we must never cease to celebrate life and beauty. It is right to dance.
Because of Christ, life comes from death.Because of Christ, we will dance again."- Raechel Myers
“I assure you: You will weep and wail, but the world will rejoice.You will become sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn to joy.”-John 16:20
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