Take a bath: Part 3

This is my first night of Cancer treatment.
This was also the start of my bathing experience for health and healing.
Throughout that year not matter the time of day or night (often very late at night) a bath was often the only thing that would take away pain and help me feel better. This was the start of SO many baths. It was one non-medical advice suggested by my docs to bring relaxation and moments of relief, baths and also heat blankets.
A few months into treatment I stated dealing with pain from swelling, or lymphedema, in my leg. Along with nerve pain from my Complete Lymph Node Dissection and Wide Local Excision, both that cut vast portions of nerve ending in my leg and going. Again baths were suggested as a pain control mechanism along with the endless drug options I was taking.
I started reading and learning more about baths. Up until this point in my life I probably took the number of baths I could count on one hand. I didn't like to relax and it felt pointless to waste that time away when it could be spend on something productive. (I know there are several eye rolls and laughs at this statement)
Now a bath was actually helping me, and EPSOM SALT BATH. It made me feel better. Took away pain. Allowed my body to relax. Took away the tremors and shakes. Kept inflammation markers in range which is huge for me and continues today part of keeping my swelling minor. It was being suggested by all of my doctors, oncologist, surgeons, neurologists, and naturopaths. BATHS. So for me, baths a couple times a week.. for the rest of my life. And I'm loving it.
So started Epsom Salt Baths for health and healing.
*talk with your doctor if you do have any serious health issues before starting a bathing routine. (I have yet to find a doctor that will tell you not to take a bath)( Courtney think twice, all my pregnant mommas, not yet... )
Epsom salts naturally remove toxins from the body. There are so many astounding and beneficial health benefits to epsom salt bathing. Detoxification is one of the primary way we can fight sickness, of any type. Colds and flu, cancer and lymes. There are benefits in epsom salt baths for everyone.

Why Epsom Salt baths?
Promotes detoxification
Stimulates blood circulation
Reduces inflammation
Reduces stress
Soothes aching muscles
Treats colds and congestion
Relaxes nerves system
Relieves constipation
*Just sweating alone has numerous health benefits for us. So saunas or other methods like this create a detoxification environment. Sweating and replenishing can help fight colds and flu symptoms alike.
*Whether or not you want to jump on this bandwagon and agree or disagree a warm bath, even if you do say it's a placebo effect, will relax you and feel really great!
*There are also Sea salt and mineral salt baths... you can read about those too. In case you really want to get into it. https://www.seasalt.com/bath/bath-salt-guide
When you really get down to the science of Epsom salt you will hear about Magnesium and Sulfates. These primary minerals are essential to our bodies absorption and health.
*there are SO many more. Look into this yourself. Don't just take my small amount of info.
More about Epsom Salt Baths:
Don't ever just take my advice (it's in my disclaimers in blog part 1, but read up and try things to help with your specific life obstacles)
Read more from the Epsom Salt bath council here:
Just one more fun thing and then again take this info to heart only if you want to. I get asked all the time different things I do, and this is one I do and I love. Starting a bath routine may just be for you creating a quiet relaxing environment to allow time for slowing down and rest. So it may be nothing from above and only that. There are benefits to lifestyle of slowing down too.
Kev said I had to include our newest addition to taking baths.... Yes, he does this too. He has a number of other autoimmune health thingies.
HOT and COLD water therapy. I know it sounds crazy. If you are brave and want to try it. I promise you, health benefits or not, however you take it, it is SO relaxing and invigorating. You can actually feel circulation change and relaxation happening immediately after. I started it as a lymphatic cleanse and have worked it into my health routine. Again this is SOOO easy, cheap, and has great health benefits. *again if you have a health issue don't just jump into this without consultation. k thanks.
- Get completely wet with a temperature of water that is comfortable.
- Slowly increase the temperature up to the point that you can barely stand it. Quickly expose all the parts of the body to this hotter water including the top of your head and your face.
- Now turn the water temperature down to the coldest tolerable setting. No matter how cold the water is, at its coldest, it cannot harm you in any way. The only thing stopping you from going to the coldest setting is your ability to confront the experience. Make sure all parts of your body get this cold water exposure.
- Next turn the water to hot again but make it a little hotter than you had it before. Again, get each part of your body good and hot before reversing the temperature to the coldest setting.
- Repeat the procedure seven times - seven times hot, seven times cold. Always begin with hot and end off with cold. Make the temperatures as hot and as cold as you can tolerate.
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