All things beautiful in his time...

If it were to snow in the middle of a brisk January day, it would be expected. Anticipated.
Why is the dawning of spring are the long cold days so much more dreary? I'm waiting for it.
New growth, New blossom, longer warm days, new territory.
One minute I'm complaining because literally my bones are cold.
The next minute I can't believe I am complaining about the weather, the weather I typically love.
Isn't this a picture of my life. What is today is what he has given enough for. What is tomorrow he is working and already made.
I am a new creation..."He's making all thing beautiful in HIS time" Ecc. 3:11
Everything he has made he is pointing back to himself. It's all a reflection of who he is. His love, his grace, his justice, his mercy, his redemption, his eternal sovereignty. Each and every part. My mundane days, my new normal, my suffering, and yours. It's all pointing back to be used for HIM. And in his great patience he has given us time. So graciously he knows we need it. Beauty from ashes... not beauty in the flames, but from the ashes of the raging flames. The fire extinguished, and the left over remnants.. HE MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL in HIS TIME!
"to put off my old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires. to be renewed in the spirit of your minds and to put on the new self, created in the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness" Eph 4
Come with me on the journey... It's hard and scary.. but only to let go, because what comes after that is NEW LIFE, TRUE promises, forever worship, redemption and GRACE
Walk in a manner worth of the calling to which you are called. Not to walk in a way that you were never to go...
Colossians 1:10, "Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God."
Ephesians 4:1, "Walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called."

I have thought over and over these past couple weeks about the amount on my plate.
Why God has placed it all there?
Why does it seem I am passionate about all of it?
What way does he want me to go?
How do I know the difference between an opportunity and an open door?
I am again reminded of the "seize the day"effect of the gospel and his saving Grace over my life. I was given a glimpse of what the end could look like. With that I saw the timeline that we have all been given. I saw a picture of what we could have today and maybe not tomorrow. I know and trust a God who asks for his Glory to be displayed and nothing else.
I'm walking in the open doors, sometimes out of my comfort, but into a life where he calls and carries me... Most of them new blooms, through impossible seasons and not free from it... but constant new calling and growth in the midst of it...
I am constantly clinging to the NEW thing. NEW birth.
What is your new thing today?
Have you turned a page and growth is happening?
You see it and it's not what you planted but its blooming...
I am teaching a bible study at my church this spring.. and I'm reading over this chapter with highlights and stars all over the page. My dear Angie Smith truth telling from my heart.. I had to share.
What you do not see, he is still working. While it's dark and you are mourning over death, he is rising. While I am questioning all the "things" that are good and new, He is writing a story and rising to bring HOPE. Miracles are being sown, He is calling us to himself, Calling someone of us home, While we sit in the in between and wonder where he is and why our lot... Have hope TODAY friends.
New life is blooming friends. I will forever walk forward knowing that what it looks like today is only my view through a tiny window but not the view of the one who wrote it and created it all....
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