Today, and every first Monday of May, is Melanoma Monday. Around the world survivors, and caregivers, wear black to raise awareness about the disease. It's a day to talk about skin cancer. This day is dedicated to educating and encouraging everyone to schedule a skin check with a dermatologist and protect your skin. This day is also a day I never knew existed until it became the disease I would put up fences about... for the rest of my days. Surviving Stage 3b Melanoma is nothing I ever imagine but has brought an array of things I needed in my life... Full surrender, trusting in Jesus, and living a life of full abandon with sight set on future hope.

Spring is here and the sun is shining. It's amazing how with one good warm day I am suddenly overcome with preparations, plans, and presumption with skin protection. Hats have come out, the sunglasses are on, sunscreen is in my purse and my center console of the car, my makeup is switched over to having no less that 20 spf.. and I am ready for the summer sun. I love to be outside, I hate how my cancer journey has made me fight to find joy in that place. It's something I will always have to work through, but just another reminder of what God has brought us through and trusting him in it. For those reminders, I am always thankful.
I'm 3 months from my 5 year cancerversary. With big appointment and scans before that day comes. I am anxiously awaiting that day. 5 years they say, is a big milestone. One we trusted we would see coming. Never realizing how incredibly slow it has felt, while also hardly believing this day is on the horizon.
Do me a favor friends. Get your skin checked. I know so many of you have because of my story. I'm really much like most of you, our lives are similar. It could have been you. Schedule with a dermatology today, it will take you forever to get it. (eye roll) One inconvienient appointment is much less convenient than a year of fighting cancer. Early detection can save your life. Teach your kids about sun safety when you are teaching them about taking care of their bodies.
Read my first Melanoma Post here:
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