Moving on..
NED. Today we pulled away from my place after five long years of regular visits with orders not to return for a year. I will continue to have my care team and check-ins for forever. Fighting melanoma will always be a part of my life, but it sure looks different today than ever before. We don't even know how to celebrate this. We are so thankful.

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18
My heart is sensitive providing this update. I am faithfully sharing because I do believe that the victories in our lives need to be shouted from the mountain tops, just as often as we pronounce our hardships. Miracles are happening everyday and the world needs to see them.
I do know the fragility of life. I’ve walked through that reality myself, and along side of dear friends in it. This past week I sat at the bedside of friend who is in the hardest part of her cancer journey. I know she would give anything to write this update to people. This past year has presented life difficulties other than cancer, I am in this with you all. I’ve thought much about the ruins of cancer. What it takes and leaves, what beauty comes from ashes, and still the embers that fuel a burning fire inside of me. I am also amazed at the friends and people that living this life has brought to my side, especially when my everyday ministry is walking with people through cancer. There’s not a day I’m not thankful for.. all of it.
Here’s what I know. God is good. In days of desperate tears and in days of joyful celebration, He’s good. Sometimes it all makes sense, sometimes in this broken up world it never will. Some people won’t ever be able to make sense of why God would allow or even permit suffering in this world. To believe in Jesus you don’t have to understand. The revealing of all things will come, that is what our hope is about.
Ok signing off to go hug my babies and celebrate with tears of joy... your prayers have covered and carried us, and God has done a work here.
"This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 11:24
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