Pain to Purpose
Over the past several months I have had the privilege to take this amazing course called Pain to Purpose. It was a couple years ago that I first started following Davey and his wife and their incredible story that birthed a ministry that had encouraged me on my own journey. After talking with Davey and sharing my story on his podcast I joined his amazing team to start and create community through our struggles. I am a community group leader for their cancer and cancer care-taker groups. You can find and join those links here: Cancer Community Group
In September I was asked by Davey and his team to join in with a group of some of those most encouraging, God-following, and extremely inspiring people to become a certified guide and come along side others in the Pain to Purpose course Davey created after his own story.
Friends, this course is life changing. I don't just say that. I mean that. I spent long hours listening, praying, and myself rediscovering all that I have been through. It was substantial for me and taking it this fall was such perfect timing. I have studied countless hours in the trenches of why God allows suffering in our lives and how it honors and glorifies him through all of our lives, even the hard parts. This course takes you through a journey of facing and unpacking your pain and the trauma you have lived and starts to unravel your heart as you lean into God and start to find purpose in your pain. It's hard. It's beautiful. It's redemptive. There is truly nothing like it. You will find that there is a guide for everything but I can be yours, or connect you to one of my new dear friends. It's an investment into your healing and you won't ever look back and wonder why you went through these trenches. Join me would you?
About Nothing is Wasted:
More about the Pain to Purpose Course:
I know so many of you have been through so much. I know there are more of you than I know that has spent hours in therapy and unpacking this life you've been given that you weren't feeling prepared for. I know that 2020 was a raging storm and has made lots worse for many. If you're spending days feeling stuck reach out! Whether it this or through another way, I would love to pray for you and point you to place of healing. This course is a one place of assurance, theology of suffering, finding again and reconnecting with the Holy Spirit, encouragement in healing, and to find that truly NOTHING is wasted.
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