Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
We all try to think ahead and make a road-map for our lives. I am here to tell you that God has declared in his word that He already has plans for your life.
Many times we find ourselves in barren fields of self-doubt, kicking the dust of misunderstanding etched in the ground of our lives’ tragedies and pain. I have been there myself many times in my life; it is a place all too familiar to me. Perhaps you know the place.
We have all had times where we thought we were in God’s will only to find things coming apart on the broken wings of good intentions. Many times in life our hopes are bashed, promises broken and our way seems lost. It is in realizing that we are but humble pilgrims lost without God’s direction that we can find our way.
As we journey through life, we will get beaten up- we will get hurt and bruised along the way. Scarred memories mark our journey like markers on a highway. There are times of joy and bliss that we savor, but sometimes it seems that they get lost in our journey. People wonder what tomorrow will bring; a better life; a better situation; a more prosperous job; or a happy marriage. It is in God that we can find the hope for our future. If we put our hope in God, there will be no surprising ending in our lives.
Isaiah 55:12- So you’ll go out in joy, you’ll be led into a whole and complete life.
The mountains and hills will lead the parade, bursting with song.
All the trees of the forest will join the procession, exuberant with applause.
God knows what His will is for our lives, he has declared it, and it is set in stone. God says to you, “I know what I have the plans I have for you. Gods says, I have success for you, I will make a way for you, I have a job for you, I made you, I formed you, I breathed life into you and I redeemed you. I promise you that God has a plan for you. We have a hunger pang inside of us to have a happy life, and to find comfort and joy in our home and in our relationship. God has a plan to make that happen in our lives.
We have to keep our eyes on God and coordinate our spiritual vision with what God has placed in our hands and in our hearts. We have the infallible living Word of God, which is the anvil that has worn out all the hammers of all the lies of the enemy over the ages. We have the Holy Spirit living in us, strengthening us, bringing us comfort and hope. God’s plans for us are found in His Word.
Psalm 119:105-Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.
We have His mighty Word with every promise, every instruction, every commandment, and stories of redemption that we can believe in and stand on. We have in the New Testament the words of our Savior and the message of the cross, by which the Apostle Paul instructs us that through the blood that redeemed us on that Cross, “We are more than conquerors”.
Romans 8:37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours, we are more than conquerors through Christ, who loved us.
We are more than conquerors-over sin, Satan, the world, heartaches, and trials. We can cheerfully face these things as we know God has a plan for our lives and He will perform it in Christ Jesus. Not only will we overcome, we will be there better for what we endure-we will glory in our journey with our Lord. It is His path we follow an as we walk with Him, our faith, and joy, will be increased by what we endure. We are conquerors, victorious by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony owing all to our Redeemer who has laid out His plan for our life.
We are more than Moses who spread the Red Sea; We are more than David who slew Goliath; We are more than Elijah who called fire down from heaven; We are more than Sampson who slew 10,000 men in battle. We are the offspring of the living God by Christ Jesus and what we hold in our hands is His Living Testament of that New Covenant written in His blood, of which we are partakers by His grace. “We are more than conquerors”.
God’s plans for our future are found in His Word. God’s promises by the power of the Blood infused with the Holy Spirit give us hope and a future for our life. Let God be God, and He will part the Red Sea in your life. When Moses and Israel stepped out, God performed a miracle for them, and for the first time in history there were footprints seen at the bottom of the Red Sea.
Sometimes realizing God’s plan for hope and a new future will lead you where you have never been before. You will not be walking in someone else’s footprints; you will be making your own. You may be leaving footprints where they may have never been seen before in new path blazing through the obstacle that is in front of you, as God destroys the enemy that is behind you. So go ahead and move forward in life knowing confidently that God has it all planned out for you if you will but trust Him. Follow God’s plan for your life, and trust His unfailing, forgiving love. In His plan, every pain, hurt, wound, and disappointment that you have experienced will find peace. If you will but trust His plan for your life, you will find the sense of wholeness and completion that you long for.
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