Always Have Hope

The last month has been absolute craziness for us. Actually the last several have. I took a class this year, taught a bible study this spring, coached a varsity lacrosse team, Kev has had some health challenges we are working through, I have been preparing for our large fundraiser, and oh yeah my four kids, they keep me on my toes. Nonetheless Blogging has gone by the wayside. With that said there has been MUCH to share that I cannot let seep through the cracks. Bear with me and I will share so that you can see what God is doing. How his word is alive and active, how his calling for all of us is never-ending and how his constant pursuit of our hearts is always molding and making us for himself....
One of the greatest gifts I've ever received is the ministry God called me to through my cancer diagnosis. Every June we have our annual fundraiser and celebration night. Last week I woke up in awe of all the God has done and is doing. I cannot fully grasp that he chose me for all of this. The hard days, the suffering, the confusion, the fear, and taking that all and asking me to be faithful to him in it. It was the hardest days that have allowed me to truly know and sit with others who are in that same place of desperation.
" your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect..." 1 Peter 3
Check out more about Radiant Hope here
I was able to share a short glimpse into our ministry and also introduce everyone to two of my super special friends I have made this past year on this journey. Below is what I shared with our friends, volunteers, family, and supporters at our Fundraiser.
"My name is Joanna Dennstaedt and after my diagnosis of Stage 3 malignant metastatic melanoma I was the first recipient of a HOPE package, sent to me by a stranger when I was at my darkest and about to embark on a cancer journey neither I nor my family was prepared for. A stranger, states away, prayed over and sent me an encouraging package after she heard my story, and it was that day that began the vision of Radiant Hope
The burden of cancer is heavy. We know this first hand. Our pain is never wasted and I believe God wants to turn our adversity into victory. He wants to turn our obstacles into opportunities and our problems into possibilities. And that he did. Because in 2015 three women had a vision to seek out, step into, and tell a story of eternal hope to those on a cancer journey. We saw the need to reach into the depths of cancer and all that encompasses it and bring encouragement, love, and above all the HOPE of Jesus to those who need it.
Today it is our mission to encourage and support those whose lives have been impacted by cancer. We accomplish this by several strategies but our highest priority is our hope package.
In the first days of our ministry just three short years ago, we started sending 5 HOPE packages a month. In our second year we more than doubled the number to 20 names of women, men, children, and caregivers. In this third year so far we are already doubling the amount of packages from last year, sending nearly 40 packages a month, totally over 640 packages since our ministry started just three years ago. We have never said no to any package request since our very first day. Our leadership team has grown from 2 to 5, and there is a sea of volunteers and partners continuing to grow and God is actively and kindly providing exactly who and what we need.
We do not just send packages to names on a list but we hear the impossible stories of the lives behind the little box on the doorstep and we have the privilege to pray for each and every name shared with us. This we would say is the most essential part of our ministry. We hear monthly of the perfect timing of the packages arriving in just the right moment that the recipient needed. Like when our friend Michelle jumped in the car to drive to the hospital for surgery to remove a cancerous tumor and she forgot something, turning back towards home left on her doorstep was a package of hope, filled with love and covered by prayers. This is not our work friends, we trust God’s timing is perfect, and we are just a vessel to show his deep love for his people.
One of my most favorite parts of our ministry is having the honor to sit with some of the names brought to us. We have opportunities to listen and learn of the struggles and difficulties that cancer is bringing to so many. It’s a blessing for me to be able to say we, at Radiant hope, we know! Sometimes the comfort in hearing that lifts the burden that so many are experiencing. I see this part of Radiant hope continuing to grow.
Also, many of you have served with us at HOPE lodge and you know these evenings are some of our most favorite together. Every time we serve the survivors and caregivers living there while in treatment we are the ones to leave completely changed and blessed. We have made some of the greatest friendships there.
It is also super exciting to share with you that this year we started an ambassador program and opened up our first in the Philadelphia area. While we often think about how we can impact the most lives for Christ, God is always one step ahead and directing our path. (introduce Kayte) This is Kayte- who is connecting with cancer support groups, families, and churches to collect names in the Philadelphia area. Each month they have their own pack and pray time. We are excited to learn as we walk through this with Kayte as we grow. We believe this will allow more opportunities to bring hope into cancer communities other than our own and to continue to encourage and support families outside of the Mechanicsburg area.

This is why we do what we do friends. This is the difference you are making when you choose to partner with us. We get to share the love and Hope of Jesus over and over again and tell of his great mercy and love for us. When everything in front of us seems impossible, we trust a God that says there is Nothing impossible for him.
Tonight I want every one of you out there wearing one of our survivor or caregivers stickers that you are a hero to us. Just like these brave women, You are why we spent countless hours praying, planning, hoping and dreaming, about the ways that God can continue to use Radiant hope for his glory. We see you. We want to love because he loved us first. We want to comfort with the comfort in which we ourselves received from God, and we want others to see that our hope is eternal and our only hope is in him."
Our Video Recap of the evening we had together is below.
God is using this journey of my impossible. He is using yours too. His kindness has allowed little windows for me to see him working, but it was his faithfulness that first brought tears to my eyes and my arm lifted in surrender. Have eyes to see. Seek and you will find.
"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19
This song has been on repeat this month. He is working all things out. Say YES. and ALL his praises are YES and amen. "
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God." 2 Corinthians 1:20
I count on one thing
The same God that never fails
Will not fail me now
You won't fail me now
In the waiting
The same God who's never late
Is working all things out
You're working all things out
The same God that never fails
Will not fail me now
You won't fail me now
In the waiting
The same God who's never late
Is working all things out
You're working all things out
Yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley
Yes I will, bless Your name
Oh, yes I will, sing for joy when my heart is heavy
All my days, oh yes I will
Yes I will, bless Your name
Oh, yes I will, sing for joy when my heart is heavy
All my days, oh yes I will
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