This is my sister
From another family, from another country, but my sister.
The story is long and complicated. She goes with my brother and that has made her part of our family. For almost 9 years now we have been family but her time here in America has been short because of the system of rules and regulations. She is a citizen of Burkina Faso, Africa. The process for her to be here is long, exhausting, and seemingly impossible.
Today she will wake up back in Burkina. She had to go home to renew her visa and see if she can have more time here in America. She goes back to see her newly widowed momma, and her brothers and sisters who recently lost their dad in a terrible auto-bike accident. Burkina is also under distress as a nation as we speak.
She was here with us in October for a week and we just adore her in so many ways. She told stories of her country and her life. We went to Saturday soccer in America where she could not fathom that parents would just sit and watch their kids play soccer all day, while even that opportunity for kids was astounding to her. She said the kids in her country would LOVE something like that. She told my girls that growing up her Saturday's were tirelessly filled with selling in the markets or collecting water for her family.
I have never met a woman of faith more like my sister Eugenie. She loves Jesus with pure abandon. It's her everything. What she has seen and known is not anything I can even fathom but the one thing we share and will share is the kingdom of heaven.
She shared with us that her only gift as a child was an operation Christmas child shoebox (video to come) She shared that holidays there are spent celebrating Jesus and full of people, family, and neighbors.
In those four short days with my sister my life was changed.
With Grace she shared corners of the life she has seen and walked in that brought streaming tears to my face and hers.
She showed me a living testimony of how to be brought low, and how to abound. In any and every circumstance, the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. (Phil. 4)
She embodies faith, the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Heb. 11) She taught me me about living a life of expectancy of what God will do.
She knows how to love greater than life. (Psalm 63)
She reminded me this week, "All things are possible with God and in God. We only need to believe! The Difficulties we face in life are what that make us stronger tomorrow, and when we see God's hand during those moments, we believe strongly in him, our faith grows." (Matthew 19) -Eugenie
When it comes to Jesus we are all family. Brothers and sisters in Christ. Here in our neighborhoods, in our churches and schools, and in the counties across the ocean. This is my family. I cannot wait until one day in heaven my church here in Mechanicsburg, PA is worshiping with my family in Burkina's church, singing praises to the same God, the one over it all.
We can learn so much from those who are not like us. I share this story with you because God is doing so much with my sister, my bother, my family, her family, her country, our country and I cannot wait to share more. It was so hard to say goodbye, it always is when you don't know the next meeting time and place. We often read stories but don't live and listen to first hand voices of the strong, brave beautiful souls like my sister. Love your neighbor today.
We can learn so much from those who are not like us. I share this story with you because God is doing so much with my sister, my bother, my family, her family, her country, our country and I cannot wait to share more. It was so hard to say goodbye, it always is when you don't know the next meeting time and place. We often read stories but don't live and listen to first hand voices of the strong, brave beautiful souls like my sister. Love your neighbor today.

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children."
Revelation 21
What is happening in Burkina as we sit comfortable in our homes in America.
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