On changing a mindset
Joy came in to my room last night and say mom I have something to tell you...

I smiled and thought... take me back. I then thought about myself. My days are not much different from this. I'm still training my mind. It's becoming easier and easier to see SO much good over the hard, which is weird to even admit. I talked with Joy about naming all the good in the day instead of naming all the bad, and how we can focus on some positives and how we can then change a bad day to one that was hard but had blessing it in too. She looked at me and said, "mom I got to play with friends, My teacher was nice, I saw Rose in second recess, our neighbors came over and that was fun even though I fell out of the tree house, you made my favorite dinner." She agreed with me, that the day was actually pretty good.
This can be me everyday. I can focus on the seemingly impossible, complain about all the left over ailments of a crazy year full of cancer treatment. I can be sad my best friend moved across the country, and that everything seems like really hard work right now. But then God looks at me and sends another daily reminder he is here and carrying us through.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
Romans 12:2
"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need."
Philippians 4:11-12
Just yesterday we got notice in the mail that we have to change my health insurance again. My super great, and expensive plan is being discontinued. So we needed to shop around for what I will need for this year. This may just be a yearly adventure for us. But as soon as we recieved this piece of mail, Kev walked in the door and said he had a meeting the following night for the new health insurance plans that his company would now be helping with. Friends it's the little things. They are all over our days. I could have ignored this, a year ago I would have. But yesterday Kev and I just looked at each other and plan as day said, this isn't called a coincidence. He is taking care and providing. He puts his hand out and gives a peace where we know he is working on the next thing before we even know it's the next thing. So we won't be stressed about insurance coverage but instead we will go through to the next thing, knowing he is right here. Look around. What was your story for today? He showed up, did you see him? Sometimes in the littlest things, but can be a big huge thing in our story of life. These things are just so apparent to me right now he just shows himself in everyday, and none of it is chance if you look at the big picture. I will be thankful and hold on to these moments for as many days as I can. I will fight everyday my mind and my human sinful self, to change my own mind, so I can see the blessings and see God always working.
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