One thing
"Begin to give God thanks for that one thing. What you will find is that it will build on itself and before you know it you will have 2 things, and 3 things, and 4 things... he is at work, he is on the move and there are things to give thanks for. We have to train our hearts in thankfulness" Trent Thompson
I'm trying so hard to do this from sun up to sun down, through the hard in my life and through watching others ache. I am thankful for one thing... Which then begins to proceed many things... SO many things. This is my one thing..
Your voice ever close you called me
You never gave up pursuing
I fell in love you stole my heart
Your hand ever near I hold to
I long for your heart, to know you
Just to live in your fellowship
Just to be close to you just to walk next to you
This is my one thing you are my one thing
Just to be close to you just to walk next to you
This is my one thing you are my one thing
My eyes ever fixed upon you
To live like a child to trust you
Oh I hold on to this treasured love
My life ever set at your feet
I give you my heart completely
To live this life always by your side
I have to know you all that’s within me
Cries out for your presence, God
Nothing compares there’s no one else
Jesus, you’re my one desire
Bethel Music
When I just let go of the so many things, the overwhelming details of this new life I am living, and focus on the one thing, everything clears up. Being thankful for one thing in my life has changed my whole perception. I wake up most days now and can name more things as gifts from God to be thankful for, instead of the things that used to drag me down. Just start by being thankful for a God, that loves huge, that gives grace, and that understands us when we are trying to do just one thing right. Trust me when that is your one thing, I promise your thankfulness with continue on and on and on.
Maybe we should all live our days doing the one thing instead of the 50 million things.
What is one thing you are Thankful for?
What is one thing you did today to show Jesus love?
What was the one kind gesture you showed your husband?
What was the one thing you complemented your child with?
What one thing uncomfortable did you do today?
Do the one thing, because there is always time and space for one thing. I promise God never stops at one thing, but instead he can multiply one thing into thousands. He is already busy changing and impacting in ways and numbers that we could never imagine. We can be a part.
"We could do this together. We could be like Christ. We could be like Christ, broken and given — and do for one, what we wish we could do for everyone." Ann Voscamp
No one started doing everything HUGE and great, but everyone starts somewhere, with just one thing. We cannot see the future or the purpose in everything we are called to. I must say I think about this so many days of my life right now. I pray that every breathe I take, that is a gift from my God, can be used for his good and to impact many.
Katie Davis, just followed God by doing ONE thing at a time and often our one thing, with submission and prayer, turned into more and more and more things... She moved to Africa after college for ONE year, and hasn't come home. She adopted one little girl and now has 13 (I think) and a whole ministry impacting more than we can count.
Eric Liddle said yes to many things. But it was the time when he said no to the ONE thing that would change and impact lives using his story for decades to come.
Corrie Ten Boom and her family said yes to ONE person, then another and another, and harbored hundreds of Jews to protect them from the Nazi regime. Her one things turned into a sacrifice of her own safety for saving many, and her life turned into a ministry that would go on to impact millions.
Mother Theresa left the only ONE thing she thought she would ever do with her life, to instead live and serve among the poorest and neediest. She went on to have over 200 different operations in 25 countries and won the nobel peace prize.
Jenni Duncan heard of ONE woman struggling in a scary cancer diagnosis. She gathered a few friends and made a package to send anonymously to her. The impact of this one package inspired a non-profit that has already impacted many.
4 years ago this week Tara and I baked cookies, loaded up our wagons and our 5 children at the time, and walked the neighborhood delivering cookies. Some thought we most be nuts (many days we were) others probably never ate a bite of cookie, a few houses didn't answer the door. But ONE house did.
You never know who God has waiting for you behind a single closed door. Sometimes we just have to open it, invite ourselves in, outside our limits. My goodness sometimes the best gifts in our life will be right there. When we just want to make someone else's day, in turn we will have our life changed.
What is going to be your one thing?...
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