Mirror reflection
This past week I was given the opportunity to share my story with some new friends on this podcast, The Brand New Me. It was a beautiful time of reflection for me. I have shared my story several times, but I have never had the opportunity to listen back to myself share it. It was an our of body experience. My husband and I sat and listened when they send the proof. I sat in astonishment and wonder as I heard my own voice tell of this story that is my own life. It will be a gift for me to treasure. Frances, who is so wise and insightful, shared with me that is is often the feedback of those who open their hearts and share.

When I sit and think, or listen to my words, or often if I read over a blog I have written, I honestly wonder who that person is. It amazed me who I am and what God has done.
Do you see your reflection as someone other than you?
I am still getting used to this life story being mine. Cherishing it. Not sweeping it away. Gleaning from it, trusting God with it.
I want to look in the mirror and see myself the way God does. His. Enough. Loved. Redeemed. My life a reflection of his mercy and grace. My smile my joy in him. My heart beating because He's given today. My story and the beauty in it.
Your story is unique. It is beautiful. It is his. Embrace the mess, your words, how you tell it, and what you learn from it. It is not only for you, but for all those to see God working in you.
Podcast story
Listen to my interview here on iTunes or subscribe to listen to all the stories they are telling:
Frances Drost
Pam Fleming's powerful story
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