Protect the skin you're in
Growing up with eczema and very sensitive skin I was always cautious about what products I could and would use on my skin. Upon finding out I was pregnant with my first baby I was diagnosed with Pupps, a rare skin disease in pregnancy that would be flared by hormones. I would have this for the duration of my first pregnancy and for the three pregnancies that followed. After I had my kids I was diagnosed with APD. Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis and chronic urticaria. I again had to be very precautious about what went on my skin but often found myself using anything that would help instead of everything that was good.
Then, At the age of 34 I was diagnosed with stage 3b Malignant Metastatic Melanoma from the removal of a mole that had grown on my leg and metastasized into my lymphatic system and penetrated the blood vessels.
I mean if this isn't a wild skin journey then I am not sure what is. After the latest adventure in my skin health that almost killed me, I have become more cautious, and certainly very disciplined in what goes on my skin, at any time, for anything. It was first a complete diet overhaul lead by oncologists, naturopaths, and nutritionist. But next and for equal importance for me, came a complete skin overhaul, lead by dermatologist, oncologist, and a team of natural skin care advocates in several different arenas. Along with me, my husband suffers from autoimmune psoriasis, and a couple other autoimmune diseases. We have made this change together. Doing something together is always better.
I have found that skin health is one that so many don't often focus on. For me it has been a necessity. Maybe you are trying to change what you expose yourself to but you need some direction past the marketing ploys and cultural shift into natural and organic push. The truth is you want better, I want better, but we don't know where to start.

Did you know your skin is your largest organ?
“Skin occupies approximately 1.73 square meters [or more than 18.5 square feet] to cover our flesh and bones,” says David Bank, MD, director at the Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic & Laser Surgery in Mt. Kisco, New York. Skin makes up about 16 percent of our body weight.
Did you know that your skin regenerates itself every 28 days, thus a reason to keep your skin clean and free from chemicals as it is often new and changing?
Did you know on average, we use 9 personal care products daily, which exposes us to 126 unique ingredients (according to the Environmental Working Group). The problem is that while over 1000 ingredients have been banned in Europe, the United States FDA has only banned 11 of those ingredients in your personal care products. That leaves it up to you to take a closer look at what you’re putting on your body.
Did you know that Dermal (percutaneous, skin) absorption is a global term that describes the transport of chemicals from the outer surface of the skin both into the skin and into the systemic circulation. Dermal absorption can occur from occupational, environmental, or consumer skin exposure to chemicals, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products?
So does what you rub all over your body when you get out of the shower, what you wash your face with, what you dress on as make up, and what you soak in matter? Yup it matters.
Questions to ask yourself about your skin products:
Do I know all the ingredients in my products?
Is My product a certified B corp listed?
What does the Environmental Working Group say about my products or the ingredients in them?
Do any of your product present themselves as possible endocrine disruptor?
Are you using any skin product for any reason that contains any known carcinogen?
Check out MADE SAFE for more information
Where do I start with trying to avoid what?
How do you check yourself for skin cancer?
The ending question? Jo, what do you and your family use and why? (like I said sunscreen next blog)
This is hard to answer in a blog, I would prefer it in conversation. I love listening and learning from others as I navigate through this. While I use several regular things, I am always researching and changing. Things that were once safe aren't anymore, and things that weren't are changing recipes to be better for us. It's a never-ending story. I am passionate about doing the best thing and learning along the way. Knowing for myself what is best for me. AND about sharing that with anyone who needs help. Are there other things that are good? YES! Oh my goodness there is change happening. Get to know your body, your products, where they come from, and get on board with one of the many companies that are for making change and not just money. (list below of some I love)

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