Hero in my heart

“Cancer is a gift. There, I said it. I can say that cancer and suffering give the beautiful gift of perspective. It is the gift you never wanted, the gift wrapped in confusion and brokenness and heartbreak. It’s the gift that strips all your other ideas of living from you completely. The beautiful, ugly raising to the surface of the importance of each and every moment.” -Kara
Two of the greatest lessons I have learned in the cancer walk I learned from one of the strongest woman I've ever known, known because she opened up and allowed us all to know her. We have never met but shared a deep connection. We exchanged encouraching emails where I thanked her, and she thanked me for my words they met her in her place. She said to me this..."I'm thankful my feeble words have met you. God bless you on your journey." Humble among many of the most beautiful characteristics, I want to live surrendered like she did. She went to be with Jesus this March 22nd 1 year ago today. My heart broke in a million places that day for her family and freinds, but I rejoiced for her. I saw so much of myself in her. Maybe it was just the young mom of four kids thing, maybe it was living a life of total unexpected circumstance, probably both. While our stories are totally different, there was so much ache and pain that resonated with my soul.

She brought to light living in and for the mundane. I never before even knew this perspective. Goodness why are we always about what we do, or what somone else does, or why are we always trying to find someone we can measure ourself and our worth too? It’s those not great huge extravagant moments but it's the ordinary. And that is what she opened my eyes to see. To see everything in the mundane days. How to overjoyed on it. How to be thankful in it. How to sit in it, cherish it, soak in the moments of it, and not wish away any mundane minute or day in this life. To long for days of mundane, and to be faithful in all things.
Grace. She gave it, spoke it, showed me how to have a heart of grace, not because anyone deserves it but because we were given what we didn't deserve and so we need to give it away to others. And to love deep in that grace because he loved me first. Thank you Kara for loving deep, deep enougth to open wide your life and your story, so that others can get to know Jesus.
“Grace is the sweet moment you never expect but turns up to get you through a day, an appointment, a reality you never, ever dreamed for yourself.” -Kara

God used this women in her worst to meet me and encourage me through a season of my worst. “hard is often the vehicle Jesus uses to meet us, point us to that peace, and teach us grace.”- Kara When lonliness was rampant, and I didnt know what I would living next. She spoke truth in her books and her writings so that I could know that none of us are in this alone.
“When you come to the end of yourself, that’s when something else can begin.” Kara
“My hope is not in the absence of suffering and comfort returned. My hope is in the presence of the One who promises never to leave or forsake, the One who declares nothing “will be able to separate us from the love of God” (Rom. 8:39). Nothing.” Kara
You can meet this beautiful woman through her blog being carried on past her life here on earth by her dear people.
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