Home sweet home

Well since coming home yesterday we have not experienced at all what we expected. The transition for Jo was really rough and she is having a tough time getting comfortable. We arrived home yesterday about lunch time and spent the entire day trying to manage pain, and nausea again. We changed her meds again since she's been home and are hoping this helps her for the next couple days. She is comfortable in her bed but was still having a hard time resting and sleeping. Finally late last night she seemed to turn a little corner and we were able to have her comfortable enough to sleep for a couple hours at a time through the night. As of this morning she is doing a little better. She's eaten food and been comfortable. So we just pray she can keep this up and rest as much as possible for the few weeks.
Sorry it took us a little while to update. Without all the nurses and doctors help I am having to help her a lot still and doing all her meds, empyting and managing her drain, helping her go to the bathroom, and tucking her in every which way to keep her comfortable. Thanks for your continued prayers there is a lot of rest and healing ahead still. We will update the blog as things come up, for now our days are managing meds and pain and keeping Jo comfortable and fed, I'm sure Jo will write when she is able. She goes back for a follow up with her surgeon team and meets her oncologist on the 7th, in the meantime she needs to heal and rest. Her body has gone through a ton over the last month. We still desperately need your prayers and support so thank you for that.
You two are such a demonstation of love and dedication. You and Kevin are in our prayers constantly, praying for peace, comfort, healing, strength and continued patience.